Monday, January 30, 2017

The field of video marketing is a particularly hot topic right now. Marketing innovation is being driven by mass consumer adoption of digital video in a myriad of shapes and sizes. In the broadest terms, the marketing trade is behind the curve and eager to fill the gap and find audiences beyond our reach. One of the challenges of finding and speaking to a fragmented audience is creating marketing video content with agility, scale and with a voice. As with all digital media, the trick is to manage risk and optimize for positive ROI results, which is exponentially harder to do with video. Fortunately for us, technology is available to help make this process easier and more effective.

The use of artificial intelligence technology is expanding exponentially and a variety of industries are finding new ways to leverage it for their benefit and growth. AI has the ability to greatly extend human efficiency and creativity, which is extremely beneficial for marketers. For most of us, the examples of AI used in mass market products utilize conversational AI, (i.e. chatbots, recommendation engines and virtual assistants) giving us the perception that AI can only be used in automatic or mathematical expressions. In the end, AI is a machine that can be used to an infinite number of ends. Initially, the laptop computer was also primarily mathematical in terms of input and output, accounting, banking, mathematical modeling. Today computers are used to create art, music, books, photos Just as the computer has become conduit to and for human expression, experiential AI, a class of AI designed to help create rich content, provides consumers and, more to the point in this article, marketers with opportunities to turn businesses into masters of multiple crafts.

As marketers we are often limited by our ability to express ourselves creatively, making it challenging to convey nuanced messages, emotions, sensations and storylines. Think of the creative brief and the endless iterations we spend with design and product teams to get it “just right”. By leveraging experiential AI, marketers are able to direct a computer to easily express narratives, share experiences and form deeper personal and professional connections in a cost efficient, fast and informal way, especially through videos.

I think about the use of AI in video production as a “bionic” extension of human creativity. As marketers we can start with a vision, a storyline and a shot list and use experiential AI technology that allows us to create multiple variations of optimized videos by use cases, platform, audience, message, product and ROI performance. For most businesses the adoption of video is not a binary on switch, it’s a process of exploration and learning. The use of experiential AI accelerates the learning curve and makes video marketing production effective, ROI focused, and enormously less time consuming.

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Related article: Vidine download free

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